Summer Programme 2022
Tannery Lane, Ashford, TN23 1XZ
Week One
To start the holiday we are paying tribute to our member PJ Grindley who sadly passed away at the end of last year. All are welcome to come and take part or just to remember PJ. The Challenge is for scooter riders to reproduce PJ’s favourite trick -“Nothing Front Scoot”. The prize is brand new Reaper bars kindly donated by PJ’s family.
Throughout the summer the Skate Project will take place daily – usually during drop-in. Come and join Bradley in some creative, skate-related projects. Design badges and t-shirts for the skate shop and help Brad with his makeover of the shop.
As part of the Vicky Park Kids Takeover - on Tuesday 26 July - we will be running some skateboarding in the park – scooters and bikes also welcome. Come and join us at the Fountain!

Week Two
All trips are free of charge except Thorpe Park. Young people wanting to take part will ned to sign up, complete consent forms and leave a £5.00 deposit per trip. This will b refunded on the day of the trip. Those going to Thorpe Park will need to split the cost with Sk8side and pay £20.00.
Sports Connect are joining us at Sk8side on Thursdays and Fridays this summer. They will be running some Sports Coaching Courses accredited by NCFE.
We are running a singing workshop with our vocal coach Chloe and then taking participants to the Pie Factory Recording Studio in Ramsgate.
Join us for some football sessions in Civic Park on Thursday evenings with Charlton Athletic. Then put together a team for our 5-a-side Tournament later in the summer.

Week Three
Two visits to CycloPark in Gravesend this holiday. Ride the bike mountain trail or skate in the skate park. Bikes can be hired on the day.
We will continue to deliver our popular Girls Skate Project throughout the holiday. Come and join us and our helpful coaches Ages from 8+.
Last summer’s Skate Park Fest was such a success we are repeating it this year on 14 August. There will be competitions for all levels in skateboarding, scooter and BMX skills. In addition there will be food, live music, t-shirt design and stalls from outside providers.