As you all know we closed the Sk8side Centre and stopped our outreach work on 19th March. The whole team continued working until the end of last week but from Monday we have furloughed half the team. This is for two reasons. Firstly, there is not enough work for all of us and secondly this will ensure our funding lasts longer when we re-open. At the moment Phil, Jono and myself are still working.
We are supporting a number of members with weekly phone calls and a group of us have started facetime calls daily.
We are working on setting up a zoom account and getting interested members to set up themselves. Once this is done we will run daily sessions with an activity.
We are still posting on FB and Instagram – if you want to check us out.
Feedback from members on how they have been filling their days range from playing Xbox / PS4…watching TV or YouTube…..Taking daily walks or rides….to fixing up bikes and motorbikes, gardening and (in one case) “making things from wood in the garden”!
You might have seen that we are working with a local film company to put together a film during lockdown. The filming day is set for Friday 1stMay….so keep an eye out for that.
One of you has taken up our offer of training and will be starting an online First Aid Course.
We will be contacting all our 16+ members to see if anyone is interested in the training packages we have bought. You can do up to 24 short courses! Fill your CV whilst locked down.
That’s all from me for now
Take care everyone