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Summer Programme 2022

  Tannery Lane, Ashford, TN23 1XZ

To start the holiday we are paying tribute to our member PJ Grindley who sadly passed away at the end of last year. All are welcome to come and take part or just to remember PJ. The Challenge is for scooter riders to reproduce PJ’s favourite trick -“Nothing Front Scoot”. The prize is brand new Reaper bars kindly donated by PJ’s family.

Throughout the summer the Skate Project will take place daily – usually during drop-in. Come and join Bradley in some creative, skate-related projects. Design badges and t-shirts for the skate shop and help Brad with his makeover of the shop.

As part of the Vicky Park Kids Takeover - on Tuesday 26 July - we will be running some skateboarding in the park – scooters and bikes also welcome. Come and join us at the Fountain

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